The road home from Carthage

On Sunday morning Steve and I had a leisurely breakfast and visited some more with Debye and Debbie Dee at the Boots. Here we are in our Boots Court t-shirts.

We took a few more photos in the Central/Garrison "Crossroads of America" neighborhood, where Route 66 and the Jefferson Highway both once rolled through. Here are daylight shots of the Boots Court and, across the street, a credit union which was once the Boots Drive-In. 

We stopped at the Conoco Station to put gas in the Prius and also to take photos of local artist Lowell Davis' "Crap Duster" (made from a manure spreader, among other things).

From there, we drove to Red Oak II to check out Lowell Davis' recreated village. Everything is here - from metal sculpture to chickens (real) to a musical instrument garden to a church service (occurring during our visit) to a steampunk-style water fountain, all scattered here and there among houses, store buildings, barns, automobiles, fences. We were told at a previous stop, "Lowell's there today - you gotta talk to him." But we didn't see him. We also heard that he naps every day. Do check out his website Red Oak II, Missouri. Here are just a few shots of Red Oak II:

Two more stops in southwestern Missouri included the Phillips 66 gas station at Spencer and Gary Turner's Gay Parita. Then it was time to say hello to the interstate and head toward home, as on Monday-Tuesday Steve had a newspaper to get out and me another (short) trip to prepare for.

We did stop at Cuba for a photo op at the World's Largest Rocking Chair at Fanning's Outpost.

And we saved our very last stop and our appetites for Missouri Hick Bar-B-Q on the north side of Cuba. Oh yeah, we'll be back.


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