2015 Edwardsville Route 66 Conference - Just the facts, ma'm

In regards to the Edwardsville, Illinois, Halloween weekend 2015 conference, following are the facts so far that are confirmed with either the City of Edwardsville or other appropriate organization. Everything else is unconfirmed, speculation, rumor, idea, or in the works but cannot be confirmed. This doesn't mean other plans and ideas will not happen. This is simply all that is confirmed at this point. I am in close contact with a number of people and organizations regarding the conference, most importantly the City of Edwardsville, for whom I am a volunteer consultant for the conference. (I also serve the City of Edwardsville in an official capacity as a commissioner on the Historic Preservation Commission.)

FACT #1 - The City of Edwardsville has committed to sponsoring and hosting a Route 66 conference with speakers and workshops on Halloween Weekend 2015.

FACT #2 - The City of Edwardsville will utilize its beautifully-restored Wildey Theatre, built in 1909 and now used as the city's arts and entertainment center, as the venue for the event. http://www.wildeytheatre.com

Wildey Theatre. Photo courtesy of Edwardsville photographer Scott Evers.
FACT #3 - The Edwardsville/Glen Carbon Chamber of Commerce, who produces the annual Halloween parade at 6:30 pm on Halloween evening, has confirmed that they will produce a complimentary-themed parade on Halloween 2015. The traditional parade route follows the path of Route 66.

FACT #4 - The Illinois Route 66 National Scenic Byway organization has pledged its support of this event. 

"The Illinois Route 66 Scenic Byway is excited about the Edwardsville Route 66 Conference and looks forward to participating in this very strategic event. The Route 66 Community will have a great time experiencing all that Edwardsville has to offer to visitors."  William Kelly, Executive Director, Illinois Route 66 National Scenic Byway.

FACT #5 - Author Michael Wallis and the Route 66 Alliance has endorsed this event. 

"Since there will be no official International Festival in 2015, we at the Route 66 Alliance consider the planned Edwardsville event to be the major gathering place for all of us next year." Michael Wallis.  

Dan Rice of the Route 66 Alliance also confirmed this to me yesterday in a telephone conversation.

Press releases from the City of Edwardsville will be forthcoming as plans continue to develop, the event director is officially named, and contact information is posted. In the meantime, I am happy to answer questions as I can and add all suggestions and input to our ever-growing list of ideas, assistance, and support. You can contact me at cheryleicharjett@gmail.com. (As for the confusion on my name, both Cheryl and Chery are correct and I answer to either - like Robert and Bob or Kathleen and Kathy.)


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